Use "human resources management|human resources management" in a sentence

1. Its antecedence course is Human Resources Management.

2. Its Antecedence course is Human Resources Management

3. • Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS) Administrative Domain

4. Its Antecedence course is Human Resources Management: 3


6. Input and processing of computer data, accounting management, business administration, human resources management

7. Administration management software (facilities and asset management, budget, procurement, travel, accounting, human resources, etc.)

8. Human resources management reform, accountability and responsibility, personnel practices and policies and management irregularities

9. Business management in connection with human resources, wage accounting, social security

10. General Officer Management Office is the human resources management organization for the Army's general officer corps.

11. • management accountability for human resources management generally, and for their responsibilities under the Employment Equity Act.

12. delegation of authority and accountability for human resources management to line managers.

13. Advisory services relating to management structures, business procedures, logistics and human resources

14. In its Framework for Human Resources Management, ICSC defines accountability as follows:

15. - shortage of human resources in vital control areas such as programme management,

16. These correspond notably to the support, administration, human resources management, IT functions.

17. See Jack Phillips' book Accountability in Human Resources Management (Butterworth-Heinemann,1999).

18. Many employees regarded Human Resources staff as little more than management lackeys.

19. Commercial, accounting, financial, payroll, payment processing, human resources and client relationship management software

20. Remote computerised administrative management, relating to administration, commercial affairs, accounting and human resources

21. b) delegation of authority and accountability for human resources management to line managers

22. • Management Services, dealing with facilities, contracting, human resources, evaluation, technical and administrative support.

23. The Division of Personnel Management (DPM) provides leadership and support to other state Agencies in human resources management

24. Several have human resources consultancies, while Eversheds recently set up a risk management consultancy.

25. Administration (project management, contracts, human resources, budget) (In progress; finish date 31 December 2018)

26. Canadian Heritage Duty to Accommodate Policy. Human Resources and Workplace Management Branch, Canadian Heritage.

27. We also integrated all aspects of planning (financial, human resources, information technology/information management).

28. The objective students are have interest in or plan to in human resources management.

29. Professor Balkin is an author of several leading texts on management and human resources used by students worldwide that include Managing Human Resources, 9 th ed

30. Japan has implemented various technology transfers and human resources developments in afforestation and forest management.

31. We have ample human resources in terms of labour skills, scientific talent, and management capability.

32. The Agency recognizes the importance of senior and middle managers’ accountability for human resources management.

33. Centralized human resources means HR professionals oversee primary employee management functions from a main office

34. The core management for a modem hospital is that of human resource. It is very important to reinforce the management of hospital's human resources for enhancing hospital's development.

35. Accountability for good human resources management begins with deputy ministers asking themselves five basic questions: 1.

36. The Special Constraints Panel shall be accountable to the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management.

37. Performance agreements for managers at all levels incorporate accountability for human resources management and planning 3.

38. To balance this new flexibility, deputy heads also take on greater accountability for human resources management.

39. An audit of human resources management ( # ) indicated that the Department of Management had exercised minimal accountability for its functions concerning field staff

40. • Amending the Financial Administration Act to clarify roles and responsibilities for human resources management and accountability; and,

41. Performance agreements for managers at all levels should incorporate accountability for human resources management and planning; 3.

42. In 2009, she graduated from Makerere University in Uganda with a Bachelor of Human Resources Management degree.

43. He also sought Singapore’s support in capacity-building in human resources for urban management and urban administration.

44. In particular, the office needs to support current initiatives for strengthening human resources management and organizational accountability

45. Governance The Public Service Modernization Act has increased the accountability of deputy ministers for human resources management.

46. Cherokee Nation Human Resources

47. • implemented a Human Resources Management Accountability Framework (HRMAF) and collected baseline data for each Deputy Minister direct-report.

48. Senior managers with tenured posts were unlikely to be accountable to anyone for implementing human resources management targets.

49. Organizations should place accountability for work–life balance and workplace health initiatives with senior management (not human resources).

50. Accountability for good [human resources] management begins with deputy ministers asking themselves the following five basic questions: Leadership:

51. Based on the thought of "management Ecology" and on human resources ecology, the paper discussed the risks of human resource investment and their elusion.

52. Auxiliary Human Resources 2771 E

53. Carlitos Abede Human Resources / Admin / Workforce Relations Management Pemba-Metuge, Cabo Delgado, Moçambique + de 500 conexões

54. The Consulting industry provides professional advice in a variety of specialized fields, including management, IT, human resources, environmental regulations and …

55. The Human Resources Planning Framework was developed to address key departmental issues consistent with human resources modernization.

56. And human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep.

57. Jane Balander Director of Human Resources

58. These human resources action plans would contain three human resources indicators: vacancy rate, geographical distribution and gender balance.

59. Development and technical processing of programs for data processing, namely the creation of programs for human resources management, including payroll accounting

60. Consulting and advisory services in the fields of providing business information for enterprises, human resources, accounting, and business management professional services

61. Management of daily manufacturing operations and human resource management.

62. Water resources management, surface and groundwater hydrology.

63. apacity-building for integrated water resources management

64. sustainable management of natural resources, especially the rational management of drainage basins;

65. Schreiber was appointed director of human resources.

66. Anthros has been in the human resources

67. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map

68. Effective management of your Bottleneck, or constraint — resources […]

69. PROGRAMS, OUTPUTS AND RESOURCES Program Activity Outputs Actual Spending ($ 000) Human Resources FTEs

70. The CRO provides the human resources, incurs the costs related to the team’s employment, and is responsible for line management of the team.

71. he subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that clients serviced by the United Nations Office at Geneva will be supportive of its efforts and will extend full cooperation with respect to the implementation of human resources management reform, and the staff-management consultative process will contribute positively to the human resources management reform

72. The R/3 Basis system is the platform for all other applications (financial accounting, logistics, human resources management) in the R/3 System.

73. Sixth, talents market project, developing human resources diversely .

74. • DG - Communications / ADM / Administrator / DG - Human Resources 1.

75. (Case M.9562 — Alight Solutions/NGA Human Resources)

76. What role will the human resources function perform?

77. Projects geared to human resources account for 23.2% of resources in Objective 1 regions.

78. Human Resources Planned 70 Authority 70 Actual 95

79. ◦ Major human resources priorities according to the analysis

80. 9 Handles Human Resources administration of expatriate staff.